Discover the Top Transcription Techniques for Accurate Audio-to-Text Conversion

Why Human Attention to Detail and Top Transcription Techniques Beats Automated Software and Machine Learning Algorithms

Transcribing audio files to text is integral to success for various industries, including journalism, legal, medical and more. Many of these industries rely on the accuracy of transcription to inform strategic decisions. The ability to transcribe audio recordings into written text provides new opportunities for business transcription services which include data analysis, documentation and accessibility. However, with various cheap transcription services available, there exists a challenge to determine the most accurate audio-to-text conversion technique. Cost-effectiveness is not always the most important factor, as the reliability of information received often plays an even more important role. In this article, we will explore transcription techniques and explain why human transcription is still the most accurate option.

99%+ accurate transcripts

Human Transcription: Accuracy is Key

Human transcription is the process of someone listening to an audio recording and converting (writing or typing) it into words. Even with the rise of AI, human transcription is still considered to be the most accurate option because a human transcriber can listen to the recording multiple times. A human transcriber also has the option to pause and rewind if clarity is required and exercises judgement to determine the best way to transcribe content. This attention to detail is currently impossible for automated transcription software and machine learning algorithms.
In addition, humans are able to transcribe non-verbal cues such as laughter, sighs and background noise. These are important elements in understanding the context of the recording. The recognition of regional accents or speech impediments is another skill human transcribers rely on, nuances often missed by automated software. Advances in technology have made it possible for some automated systems to pick up on non-verbal cues, but humans often win out over the machines. Moreover, human transcribers are able to understand the tone and intent of the speaker. This is vitally important for correctly transcribing spoken content. For example, a human transcriber will know the difference between a sarcastic comment and a serious one. Automated software, on the other hand, is not capable of making such distinctions, which can result in a convoluted transcription. Again, the machines are becoming more adept at emulating human speech, but right now your business would be safer in the hands of a human transcriber. Human transcription services also offer the benefit of quality assurance checks. A fresh set of eyes and ears, is tasked with reviewing the transcription for accuracy and completeness. This step ensures that any errors are corrected, resulting in an accurate final transcript. Think of it as insurance for that extra piece of mind required in particularly complex cases.

Alternative Transcription Options

Human transcription is the most accurate, but also the most expensive and time-consuming option. A seasoned transcriber can be likened to a machine in terms of speed, but far excelling in accuracy. Many businesses therefore turn to alternative transcription techniques such as automated software or machine learning algorithms. A viable consideration for some, but not without its own unique pitfalls.

Automated software uses speech recognition technology to transcribe audio into text. While this option is faster and more affordable, accuracy is sacrificed. Software options are constantly improving but can have difficulty with background noise, multiple speakers and regional accents. This may lead to an inaccurate transcription. Automated software can also miss non-verbal cues more often than a human does, which can be important in understanding context.

Machine learning algorithms, on the other hand, use artificial intelligence to learn and improve the transcription process over time. While more accurate than automated software, it still cannot match the accuracy of human transcription. Machine learning algorithms process vast amounts of data, but are still unable to replicate the nuances of tone and intent. Consider this a learning curve for the current generation of machine learning algorithms, to overcome. Budgets may be a strong consideration when deciding on the range of options available. Some companies may prefer the more cost-effective option and compensate for the shortfall in accuracy. It may come down to a human to establish the accuracy of what the machine has produced. In this scenario, it may just be more cost-effective in the long run to choose a human transcription service.

Human Transcription: The Preferred Choice

When it comes to transcribing audio to text, accuracy is key. Human transcription provides the highest level of accuracy, making it the best choice for businesses. Businesses that require a high level of precision in their transcriptions often rely on these services. Industries such as legal, medical and journalism, where even minor inaccuracies can have dire consequences, are dependent on the accuracy provided by human transcribers.

For example, legal transcription, transcribed audio is often used as evidence in court cases. An inaccurate transcription can have serious consequences, potentially resulting in a miscarriage of justice. In the medical field, Having accurate medical transcription is important, inaccurate transcriptions can lead to an incorrect diagnosis or treatment, potentially resulting in the loss of life. In journalism, accurate transcriptions are essential for reliable reporting and avoiding reputational damage.

Tips for Recording Audio on your phone
While automated software and machine learning algorithms do provide a faster and more affordable option for transcribing audio to text, they cannot match the accuracy of a human transcriber. The attention to detail, ability to transcribe non-verbal cues and the understanding of nuances in human speech, make human transcribers the best choice for businesses. Businesses that require a high level of precision in their transcripts are currently better off using human transcription services. Quality assurance checks provided by human transcription services further ensure the accuracy of the final transcript. Accuracy and precision are relied upon in fast-paced industries. While many think of machines as the superior candidate, AI has yet to catch up to what experienced human transcribers are capable of. The ability to follow legal protocols and render an accurate diagnosis may currently fall under the purview of machines, but it has yet to reach the track record achieved by humans.


While human transcription may be more costly and time-consuming, the level of accuracy attained is worth the investment. For industries where accuracy is essential, human transcription is the clear choice for audio-to-text conversion. With a 21-year track record of excellence, we are considered a trusted partner by many blue-chip companies across a wide range of industries. At this stage of your business, it may be worth your while to invest in a human transcription service that has a Way With Words.