Technology Transcription Services
Looking for accurate technology transcription services for your software or apps?
Use our technology transcription services team to get your audio or video transcribed immediately.
Own a technology that requires transcription for improving dialect speech to text accuracy?
We specialize in many dialects of English.
Partnering with your technology
Software developers or technology companies that offer audio or video recording services, speech to text solutions, or voice recognition are challenged to offer accurate transcription. On the other hand, users of speech to text apps abound but are often disappointed by their lack of accuracy. So it makes sense that there would be an app that can churn out a transcript of your audio and video, right?
While developers have increasingly improved their technologies and for individuals there are certainly many speech and voice recognition platforms out there (just look at Siri, Cortana, and Google Voice, for a start!) these are pretty selective in what they can handle even today. Most of the time, as long as it’s a single voice North American dialect, it works ok. But what about discussions with a wider variety of accents? Try getting a Scotsman to ask Siri for a sandwich!

Way With Words’ standard transcription service is calculated on a per audio or video minute rate. Pricing depends on the turnaround time chosen and the add-on options selected. The longer the turnaround and the fewer the add-ons selected, the lower the price. Use our calculator below to get started.
Transcription Price Calculator
Quote or Order
Your Transcription
Use our Transcription Calculator to get an instant quote or to place an order now.
How do I send you my files?
Audio and video files are uploaded via our secure online workflow system. We do not accept links or physical discs; all work is processed via our workflow system.
Once files have been processed, you will receive a notification with instructions on how to collect your transcripts.
How is the cost calculated?
Costs are calculated per recorded minute and are dependent on turnaround time selected. All seconds are rounded up to the next minute. For budget options, longer turnarounds are available.
Audio quality and number of speakers do not affect the cost. Default transcript is Standard Template and Intelligent Verbatim (see examples above). Time Coding, Full Verbatim and Special Formatting options incur a surcharge.
How long are quotes valid?
Quotes are valid for 30 days from date of quotation. Save your job as a draft should you wish to complete your order at a later stage.
Do you have an office in my area?
Our main operational offices are located in the United Kingdom and South Africa while we have points of presence in various territories globally. Please click here to get in touch with us.
How are deadlines calculated?
The 1-Day to 10-Day turnaround times are calculated in business days only, and do not include weekends. Express orders can be returned over weekends, with prior notification.
Human Partnering
While speech to text software may be able to convert speech produced in a controlled environment, we estimate that over 70% of audio doesn’t fit into that category. That’s where we come in! Our dedicated team of transcribers with finely tuned (human!) ears can be of assistance.
All the Siris and Cortanas out there need still require speech software training somehow and use solutions such as deep neural networks to achieve this. For this reason, you still need human transcribers fluent in the dialect or accent if you need an accurate transcription. As a technology company, you can also request our transcribers to help build your relevant dialect libraries. We can work with any custom transcription solution to support your needs.
Technology Transcription Options
Full Verbatim Format is a great choice to include if you need your technology to learn all the stutters and crutch words a speaker might use.
Time codes are of great help to demarcate different instances of an utterance. This ensures your speech training module can accurately align the audio with the text to register the phonemes.
Custom transcripts built for your specification, such as including sound bytes or voice iterations, help evolve the speech recognition capabilities of speech to text apps.
Holistic solutions for call centers (such as Machine Transcription Polishing), translation, interpretation, or insurance technologies are available.
Additional Services
Captioning Services
Perfectly synched 99%+ accurate closed captions for broadcast-quality video.
Machine Transcription Polishing
For users of machine transcription that require polished machine transcripts.