Legal Transcription Services
Legal transcription services present a unique set of challenges.
Recordings often contain sensitive, personal, and highly confidential material.
Frequently, pressing deadlines for attorneys and courts demand quick turnarounds. And, as the recorded material is nearly always critical and life-effective, there is no room for any compromise with accuracy.
What are legal transcription services used for?
Legal transcription services are used by professionals that require quality transcripts (in a timely manner) for:
- general correspondence and memos
- attorney dictation
- deposition transcripts and recorded statements
- medical-legal reports and independent medical exams
- workers’ compensation transcription
- legal agreements and contracts
- wills and trust documents
- videotaped depositions or interviews
- surveillance and investigate reports
- telephone hearings
And more.

Way With Words’ standard transcription service is calculated on a per audio or video minute rate. Pricing depends on the turnaround time chosen and the add-on options selected. The longer the turnaround and the fewer the add-ons selected, the lower the price. Use our calculator below to get started.
Qualified Legal Transcribers
At Way With Words, we are committed to preparing legal documents promptly and with unsurpassed attention to detail. A combination of proprietary transcription management software, proper security and data protection (including full GDPR compliance), and a commitment to providing a world-class service make Way With Words a “service of choice” for many attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals internationally for:
- court transcription services
- E-Courts and E-Scanning
- arbitrations and disciplinary hearings
- boardroom and business meetings
- police interviews and recordings
- insurance investigations
- Investigation recordings
Our legal transcription service also offers a Certificate of Authenticity that verifies legal transcripts completed by us were completed by our company. This certificate may be presented in court.
Legal Transcription Clients
We provide certified secure, digital, and audio sound recording and delivery systems, enabling users to receive the highest quality transcription services in the least amount of time in a safe environment. From simple uploading, to secure allocation and management of files, to timeous delivery into a private online account.
Transcription Price Calculator
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Your Transcription
Use our Transcription Calculator to get an instant quote or to place an order now.
How do I send you my files?
Audio and video files are uploaded via our secure online workflow system. We do not accept links or physical discs; all work is processed via our workflow system.
Once files have been processed, you will receive a notification with instructions on how to collect your transcripts.
How is the cost calculated?
Costs are calculated per recorded minute and are dependent on turnaround time selected. All seconds are rounded up to the next minute. For budget options, longer turnarounds are available.
Audio quality and number of speakers do not affect the cost. Default transcript is Standard Template and Intelligent Verbatim (see examples above). Time Coding, Full Verbatim and Special Formatting options incur a surcharge.
How long are quotes valid?
Quotes are valid for 30 days from date of quotation. Save your job as a draft should you wish to complete your order at a later stage.
Do you have an office in my area?
Our main operational offices are located in the United Kingdom and South Africa while we have points of presence in various territories globally. Please click here to get in touch with us.
How are deadlines calculated?
The 1-Day to 10-Day turnaround times are calculated in business days only, and do not include weekends. Express orders can be returned over weekends, with prior notification.