How to Prepare for a Job Interview
Handy Tips on How to Prepare for a Job Interview
To prepare for a job interview as a transcriptionist or any other role, usually takes the form of following a similar set of steps. One of the first steps to landing a job is, of course, finding the right fit for you. Another step is getting an interview. While you may have gone over your CV several times, there are some things that can still trip you up no matter how well-prepared a candidate you are. Fortunately, we’ve listed some handy tips below.
Do Your Homework
The same way one would prepare a transcript, research is an important element of preparation. While it certainly helps to have experience in the field you’re aiming for, here are some extra pointers on why doing your homework counts:
- Research the company. Find out as much information about the company and its culture as you can, including its mission statement, values and vision. This will give you an idea of what they’re looking for in an employee and help you formulate questions that may be asked during the interview. Put yourself in their shoes and how they would want a candidate to prepare for a job interview.
- Research the role itself. If there’s a job description available online or elsewhere, read through it thoroughly so that you understand what is required for success in the position. If no job description exists; possibly because it’s in the process of being created, speak to someone from the company’s HR department or the person closest to giving you some useful inside information.
Dress To Impress
Transcriptionists seldom have to appear before people, since it is one of those rare jobs where remote working opportunities have always been a strong selling point. Whether captioning or transcribing, it helps to be alone and focus on the task at hand. However, appearances still count and whether you’re a freelancer looking to land a new contract or first-time job seeker, it helps to play the part of a well-groomed professional.
When it comes to dressing, there are a few basic rules that you should follow when you prepare for a job interview. Do remember to dress for the job you want. This means wearing something that shows off your best qualities; it also means avoiding anything that’s distracting and anything that might be considered revealing.
If possible, try out what you plan on wearing at home before venturing out. This will help you to feel comfortable in the clothes you’re in and get you into a confident mindset.

Don’t Forget To Smile
Smiling is a universal sign of friendliness and it can help you feel more confident. Smile when you’re in front of the mirror or practicing your interview answers. Do it even if you don’t feel like it.
Smiles are contagious, when someone smiles at us, we tend to smile back! Smiling also makes people appear approachable and friendly, but it’s important not to overdo it. Fake smiles are usually easy to spot and will make you come across as insincere.
A Positive Attitude Helps
A positive attitude helps to boost confidence. If you’re not confident in yourself, chances are employers won’t be either. Do your best to project confidence in what you have to say during the interview, endeavour to speak with more energy than usual.
After years of interviewing candidates for our company, those with a positive attitude, whether they ended up being hired or not, always stood out. This positive impression is what you’re aiming for, because even though you might not be shortlisted on this round, chances are likely you could be called back because of the positive attitude displayed.
Be Mindful of Your Body Language
Most white collar jobs have you hunched over your computer for most of the working day. Whether that new transcription project has you leaning in a bit more to hear better or whether you’re adding some final flourishes to your updated CV, it can wreck your posture. Posture also relates to body language, as it is a helpful indicator speaking directly to the state of someone’s inner world. Here’s how to make sure your body is speaking a language your future boss wants to hear:
- Sit up straight. This is a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating: sitting up straight helps you appear confident and alert.
- Make eye contact. Look at the interviewer when she speaks to you and maintain eye contact for about two seconds before looking down towards your hands or the floor.
- Don’t fidget. Avoid crossing your arms or legs, these are defensive postures that can make employers think that they’re hiring someone who’s not open to hear what they have to say. Instead, keep both feet flat on the floor and lean slightly forward in your chair, as if eager to hear what they have to say. It helps to actually care about what they’re saying too.
Keep Responses Short and Sweet
These next few tips are for the more loquacious among us:
- Answer every question honestly, but concisely.
- Don’t ramble or be overly vague.
Don’t make assumptions about what the interviewer knows about your field or industry; take advantage of an opening by asking directly and confidently: “Can I help clarify anything?”
Prepare For a Job Interview by Practicing and Then Practice Some More
If only it were as easy as walking into an interview to secure the position. For a very select few it may be, but for the rest of us, the tips shared above will help you secure your next job. Remember to prepare, practice and then practice some more! The more you prepare for a job interview, the better your chances will be. Good luck on your next interview! If there are any useful insights we missed, kindly share them below.
Transcription Services Uses
Way With Words‘ clients require transcription services for a wide range of situations which include dictations, legal disputes, court cases, disciplinary hearings, focus group research and findings as well as media such as TV, film, Vimeo, and YouTube videos. In addition, our transcription services are regularly used for:
- Insurance reports
- Interviews
- Live transcription events (express)
- Marketing research
- Technology applications
- Telecommunications
- Podcasts
- Police interviews
- Private investigations
- Qualitative research
- University lectures
- Voice recognition